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Meet Your Portuguese-American Elected Officials in California: John Viegas

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He is a graduate of Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo and the University of San Francisco. He spent 27 years in law enforcement with a distinguished career in serving on various police forces and teaching criminal justice. A retired Police Captain, Chico Police Department, he also served as Chief of Police for City of Orland, a Commander in the Angels Police Department, a Sergeant in Grover City Police Department and a Patrol Officer and Investigator for the San Luis Obispo and Guadalupe Police Departments. He taught for Glenn County Office of Education ROP program Administration of Justice and for the Allan Hancock College administration of justice program.

He has spent numerous hours in community service, from coaching to serving police associations and presently is serving the following organizations: Glenn County Transportation Commission, Glenn County Transit Committee, the Local Agency Formation Council, the Northern Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Planning Group, the Williamson Act Advisory Committee, the Court Appointed Special Advocates Advisory Council, the California State Association of Counties, as a Director, as well as the Regional Council of Rural Counties, also as a Director. He is on the Butte-Glenn Community College Advisory Committee, Golden State Risk Management Board of Directors, the Glenn County Sheriff’s Posse Board of Directors, a Knights of Columbus and Fourth Degree member and a Boy Scouts of America, Merit Badge Counselor. He is also a volunteer with the Tehama County Department of Education, Special Education.

Supervisor John Viegas is married to Mary Piracci Viegas, since November of 1984. They have two children, Ashley and Justin.

Another proud Portuguese-American serving his county and our state.

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