Meet Your Portuguese-American Elected Officials in California: Melvin Oliveira

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Mayor Oliveira was born and raised in Gustine, where he attended and graduated from Gustine Elementary and Gustine High School. Additionally, he is a graduate of Modesto Junior College, where he received an Associate of Science degree in Police Science. He also studied at California State University, Stanislaus. Mayor Oliveira, who served in the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman, spent 25 years as a member of the management team at Mid-Cal Auto Truck Stop in Santa Nella. Following the sale of that company, Mayor Oliveira embarked on a new career, purchasing a video store from his brother. He named the store Big O's Video, which included pool tables, snooker tables and a tanning salon. He also became a Realtor for Davenport Real Estate and worked for Rico, Pfitzer, Pires Real Estate in Gustine. Mayor Oliveira is a member of the American Legion Post 240 in Gustine, the Gustine branch of the Native sons of the Golden West, and the Gustine Senior Citizen's Club. Although now officially retired, Mel works part-time for Hillview Funeral Chapels in Gustine, Newman and Patterson, along with serving as the Mayor of his beloved hometown.
Mayor Oliveira has 3 children, Kimberlie, Ross and Zachary, and 7 grandchildren, Alison, Emma, Olive, Colin, Buster, Miles, and Aubrey