Racism and Discrimination: A California Portuguese-American Perspective.
The California Portuguese-American Coalition just had our third and final (for this season) forum on Racism and Discrimination: A...
The third and final virtual forum on Racism and Discrimination
Join the California Portuguese American Coalition (CPAC) and the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute (PBBI) on Wednesday, September 9, at...
Racism and Discrimination: A California Portuguese-American Perspective (2)
Thanks to all who joined he second Virtual Forum put forth by the California Portuguese-American Coalition with collaboration from the...
Take a look at our first forum
Take a look at our first forum and join us on the 12th of August for the second forum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac1M0G4gpfU&featur...
Our mission statement is one of inclusiveness. Therefore, we condemn all acts of racial inequality.
The California Portuguese-American Collation (CPAC) acknowledges the deep trying times that we are facing as a state and as a country....
Happy Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas—Portugal Day
The California Portuguese-American Coalition wishes everyone a Happy Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas—Portugal...
California Portuguese-American Coalition—COVID-19 California Update
CPAC continues to be in touch with our Portuguese-American elected officials throughout the state of California in order to make the...
Guidelines set forth by our state and local elected officials during this pandemic crisis
The California Portuguese-American Coalition (CPAC) would like to ask all Californians of Portuguese ancestry to please follow the...